Sunday, October 29, 2006

Last Friday we celebrated Halloween a few days early. The school's grounds were scattered with mini fairies, pumpkins, Harry Potters and Mr Incredibles aswell as a towering Sorcerer and Count.
From across a crowded room of 3 foot tall kiddies, Li manages to snap this shot of possibly the coolest man ever to don a cape and fake eyebrows at a kindergarten.

Li's favourite Halloween fairy - Mindy.
Rich's cute little fairies from K2B
Welcome to the first collection of hopefully many in the series of weird photos from Taiwan. This old dude was a busker at a shopping district in Taipei. Note the surgical facemask with a hole cut in it....practical yet elegant. His glasses were made of cardboard. Must have been disposables......
Nothing to add here really......

From one cock shop to the next...........

This dude had finished a hard day's work standing next to a sign and he was taking it home the safest way possible...on a scooter. As long as there was a tailwind he'd be ok.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Berjaya Tioman Island Resort off the east coast of Malaysia was our perfect getaway. No phones, no computers and no gyms (guilt factor - zero). The pool-bar got a good workout though!
Competition was furious for the best "seats in the house" and we got 'em every day. Pool-side and beach-side day beds - we were in heaven!! We became resort-savvy very quickly.
TIP: Sneak in before the pool opens and mark your territory with a few personal items.

When you've got a good spot you keep it. We did move during the day though... to the pool bar and back :)
(You can see Rengiis Island in the background... where we did some snorkelling.)

One of the *insert adjective here* sunsets we enjoyed whilst on Tioman.

Monkeys are to Tioman Island as possums are to any campsite in Australia. Raiding rubbish bins was a far more delicate operation for these mammals however. They seemed to live happily along side the resort guests rather than be a disturbance. This one was called Monica - she enjoys long walks on the beach and sipping pina coladas at sunset. She also enjoys flinging poo.
A small lagoon within the resort complex was home to an extended family of the rarely spotted wide-screen monitor lizards. These things are big!

In a futile attempt to work off some of the Long Island Ice Teas, we took to the water in a double kayak around the resort and near by Rengiis Island.
The snorkelling was like being dunked in an over-stocked aquarium!! The water was beautiful and warm and crystal clear and the amount of sea-life was breathtaking (pardon the pun). We hope the photos do it justice.

We finished our holiday in Singapore to visit my (and soon to be Rich's too!) family - where we ate, visited the night safari, ate, shopped, ate, saw some sites and ate some more. Here we are posing in front of the Merlion - the symbol of Singapore.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

This is my HB2-4 class on their last day. Most of them were great but a few of them were little turds.
This is Hedy. She was so upset that it was our last day. It's hard not to get attached to your students when they are this cute and affectionate.
Cheeky Felicia and snoozy Ruby. I'll let you figure out which one's which......
Little Hedy again being very sweet.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Last Friday we had a Suang Lien School slumber party where all the K3 kids put on a show and stayed the night.

We were all a bit tired by the end of the night and got a bit silly with the camera .....

I have two Erics in my class - we all refer to them as "Small Eric" and "Big Eric". This is "Small Eric". I wonder if he will grow up thinking his first name is "Small"......
Jenny and Betty say "cheese" in Taiwanese

Meet Frank and Willy everyone!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Taiwanese believe that the secret to eternal happiness lies within this vending machine.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

 Last Sunday we climbed the tallest building in the world. Taipei 101, for a charity event organised by the Canadian Society here. It was hot work in a stairwell without aircon but it was a fun day.

35 minutes and1899 steps later and we were there. It was fun at the top. A live band, food, drinks and an amazing view of Taipei.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

 A week to two ago saw a little journey out of the city to the Lin Family Gardens. A well known historical mansion surrounded by beautiful gardens and ponds bursting with carp. Mmmmmmmm - carp.


There were big ponds, bridges and big stone walls everywhere.

 Li's first orchid certainly brightened up our room.